Thursday 23 July 2015

Lost in translation

I asked M this morning if she was looking forward to our holiday in Spain next week.

"I'm very excited," she told me, "but a bit nervous."

"Why are you nervous?" I asked.

"What if we get lost?" she replied, "How can we ask for directions if we don't know the language? Like last week, when I had to ask where the crystals were... Although I suppose D could help us."

OK.... D doesn't speak a word of Spanish. And crystals?

Monday 22 June 2015

Sweet dreams

I found this from a couple of years ago, and thought it worth sharing...

On asking M why she was in our bed one night, she told us that "when the voice says 'here's a story to help you sleep' I get scared because I know the polar bear's coming. So I come into your bed."

Wednesday 3 June 2015

It's all in her head...

We asked M what we'd find if we opened up her head.
She told us there'd be drama, music, hats, boring school and knowledge right at the front...

Tuesday 19 May 2015


Apropos of nothing and with no explanation, D told us "I LOVE gay people!"

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Royal males

M asked me this evening how old Prince was when he passed away.
"Prince isn't dead," I told her.
"Oh," she said," who was the lead singer of Queen that died?"

Tuesday 5 May 2015

We could be heroes... part 2 - Avengers Re-Assembled

Before going to see Avengers: Age of Ultron at the weekend, M told us that her favourite part of the first film was when Hulk threw Loki around and called him a 'silly bugger'.

Monday 27 April 2015

We could be heroes...

M told me that The Thing is her favourite superhero, and definitely the best one in the Famous Five.